We’ll See You There!

ACER has been working with the Dairy Farmers of Canada and recipients of Industry Research Chairs and Cluster 3 funding to showcase some of the excellent dairy science research happening in Canada.

Our 11th webinar in this series will take place this Wednesday at 1pm EDT. Join in to hear from the team of Drs Denis Roy, Evelyne Guévremont, Gisèle LaPointe, Alexandre Jules Kennang Ouamba, and Mérilie Gagnon. Learn about their research to understand microbial biofilms in dairy processing, and how biofilms may impact milk and cheese quality.

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Do you have a scientific research, communication, or training need?

Our goal is to create knowledge and tools to improve animal health and welfare, public health, and the environment in a rapidly changing world. We have the skills to help you understand your unique challenge, inform relevant solutions, and maximize influence.

Do you have a scientific research, communication, or training need?

Our goal is to create knowledge and tools to improve animal health and welfare, public health, and the environment in a rapidly changing world. We have the skills to help you understand your unique challenge, inform relevant solutions, and maximize influence.

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