Evaluation Framework: 36 criteria elements
In order to thoroughly compare the FARM Program to various international quality assurance programs, an evaluation framework was developed to pinpoint the key aspects of each animal welfare program that should be compared and contrasted. This included information on (1) program ownership, structure, and goals; (2) key program design features, welfare standards, and evaluation structure; (3) program implementation and enforcement; and (4) compliance and corrective actions.
Jurisdictional Scan and Desktop Review: 31 Programs, policies, standards, guidelines
An online jurisdictional scan was then conducted to identify relevant dairy industry quality assurance programs to include in the comparison analysis. This included a search and review of scientific and gray literature. In an effort to scope the project, only programs and welfare schemes from North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand were sought out. The previously developed evaluation framework was populated for each program.
Interviews: 10 in-depth interviews
Ten of the programs were further investigated through in-depth interviews with program representatives. The programs selected were chosen with the intention of exploring programs that were perceived as being well developed, successful, unique, and/or most relevant and applicable to the U.S. dairy industry. Each interview also explored each program’s position on a series of key welfare standards, including facility management, animal management, pre-weaned calves, non-ambulatory animal management, euthanasia, fitness to transport, and program management.