Collaborative development of a scope of work

In collaboration with Alberta Milk and Chinook Contract Research, our team developed a proposed scope of work for a series of resources to share information about Alberta Milk’s ongoing projects related to dystocia (pain at calving) and diarrhea in calves.

This series came about from a desire to showcase dairy farming stories, industry updates, and the latest science, advice and perspectives on different health and welfare topics relevant to Canadian dairy farmers.

Sharing information in a variety of formats to cater to the preferences of different audiences was also key for this work – thus, a number of different outputs were agreed upon:

  • Factsheets

  • Podcasts

  • Videos


Development and Timeline

Over the course of approximately 6 months, the ACER team managed all aspects of the development of these resources, from drafting text and animation storyboards to graphic design and podcast production.

Importantly, our partners and clients are involved throughout all stages of the process, enabling opportunities for feedback and refinement of approach on an ongoing basis.

Dairy Digest Resources

Watch the videos

View the factsheets and technical notes

Listen to the podcasts

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